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Post Tagged with: " meeting room "

Is an Executive Office Space Right for Your Business?

Are you working to create a professional image for your business? Do you lack the fund to invest in traditional office space? How about hiring a administrative assistant? If so, then you can benefit from using an executive office space. Here at Executive Office Suites at Lafayette Village, we offer everything you need to ensure a professional image for your business without the super-sized price tag.

What does Executive Office Suites have to offer?

We provide you with the amenities you need at a price you can afford. Here are somethings that make an Executive Office space so appealing:

  • Fully furnished office spaceOffice 2
  • Access to 3 different meeting rooms
  • Virtual receptionist service
  • Shipping and receiving of mail
  • Access to copiers, printers and scanners
  • A professional mailing address
  • Daily cleaning service
  • Quick access to a parking garage and the Lafayette Village shopping center

Is this right for you?

Before diving into the world of executive office spaces, you need to carefully consider if this is the right move for you. Have you outgrown your current office space, or are you operating out of your home? If so, then the move to an executive office space may be just what you need to provide you with the competitive edge and professional image you need. If you do decide that this is the right option, please consider Executive Office Suites at Lafayette Village.EOS Training Room

We offer a range of different sized office space to accommodate your business needs. We are here to help and support your business in any way we can. Call today to take a free tour and a chat with management about how we can support you!


2 months FREE with a 12-month lease. (offer valid until June 31st, 2015)



Virtual Offices: Helping Small Business Owners Achieve Work-Life Balance Virtual Office Work.Balance.Life

Spending too much time on meager tasks when you should be growing your business? Want to spend more time with the family? Running a business is tough. But happily, today’s small businesses have a whole host of time-saving tools at their disposal, and a virtual office is one of them.

“Too much work, not enough play” – sound familiar? We all strive for an effective work-life balance. Small business owners are particularly under pressure, as they are the driving force behind the business and feel they have to be switched on to “work mode” every waking minute. This can lead to unhappiness at work and stress, which can spill over into family and home life.

Happily, small business owners have an arsenal of tools available to help make their working lives that little bit easier. And a virtual office is one of them. How, do you ask? The answer is not limited to one solution, but rather, several solutions that work together to help streamline business processes, reduce workload, and keep your clients feeling like they are number 1.

Let’s start with streamlining. With a virtual office, you could opt for a professional live answering service through our team of trained, experienced receptionists. When you’re busy growing your business – whether that’s strategizing, meeting clients or marketing your brand – constant calls from your cell phone can be an unwelcome distraction. Particularly when it’s an unwanted sales call or a wrong number. At Executive Office Suites, our professional receptionists can take that distraction away from you by answering, screening and handling calls to your requirements. Just think how much time this could save!

There’s another benefit to our live receptionist service, and it’s all about image. Having calls answered by a professional receptionist can go a long way towards improving your business image. No more important missed calls, or feeling like you’re on the spot when a client calls and you can’t remember their name. Leave it to our receptionists to make sure your clients feel like they are always number 1.

Of course, signing up to a swanky business address is another way to boost your business image. You might spend most of your time working from home or on the road, but as far as your clients are concerned, that skyscraper on Avenue of the Americas is your business home. And it’s not just an address on your business card either. With Executive Office Suites, you can benefit from on-demand meeting rooms and day offices too – perfect for meeting (and impressing!) clients, and having somewhere to land when you’re in town.

Executive Office Suites at Lafayette Village is all about helping you to streamline your tasks, boost productivity and grow your business. After all, you deserve it. And with less time spent fire-fighting and more time spent focusing on the things that matter – like family – you’ll soon be well on the road to work-life-balance success!

Image Source

Written by Joanna Republished with permission by Alliance


Hello Virtual Receptionists, Goodbye Distractions!


With the incredible advancements in mobile technology, it is entirely feasible to almost completely run your business from a device that is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Crazy, right? Today’s businesspeople and busy entrepreneurs utilize cell phones as their primary point of contact and sometimes, before we know it, we’ve wasted the better part of a workday fielding calls, “getting back in touch,” “circling back,” and “interfacing” with clients and colleagues via our phones. What happened to actually getting some work done? Wouldn’t it be nice to get more of that phone time back?

Executive Office Suites has your solution. Our live receptionist service takes the time-consuming tedium of answering calls out of your hands (literally) and places it in the very capable hands of our professionally trained reception team. This valuable service shifts the calls from your cell phone to our live receptionists who can screen and forward them to voicemail or to your cell phone, per your specifications. Saving your business time and productivity reaching new heights is what this will offer.

What’s more, you probably waste more time on your cell phone than you even realize. Every time you get a call and pick your phone up to respond, chances are you will stay on your phone to do any number of time consuming things (texting, checking social media accounts, opening various apps, reading the news, etc. etc.). Virtual receptionists will eliminate these distractions by cutting them off at the pass.


Image source: Scott Griessel

Written by McDuffie Republished with permission by Alliance

How a Virtual Office Can Help Workers Beat Distractions

“The average American worker has fifty interruptions a day, of which seventy percent have nothing to do with work.”

So says the late, great William Edwards Deming – American statistician, professor, author, lecturer, consultant and all-round business brain.

Here’s another statistic that’ll grab your attention: Around 50% of American office workers say they work for just 15 minutes before getting distracted, while 53% feel that an hour or more is wasted every single day because of disruptions.

Are you easily distracted at work? Can’t stop browsing Facebook? Time for another gaze out the window? You’re not alone – in fact, it turns out that quite a few of us are plagued by distractions that keep us from reaching our productivity potential. From constant background chatter and phone calls to feeling tired or frustrated, there are plenty of reasons to stop you from getting on with the job.

So how do you deal with distractions at work?

Step one: Go virtual. At Alliance Virtual Offices, we can vouch for the disruption-busting benefits of a virtual office, and how flexible working methods like telecommuting and working from home can cut down on distractions, and boost productivity too. Think of making a presents in a different state or even needing an office close to home? Executive Office Suites offers Virtual Packages that offer the connivence to you and your business.

Think about it. When you use a virtual office, you’re not tied to a physical office. So instead of working in an open-plan office and listening to inane background chatter about last night’s TV or tomorrow’s game, you can fill the gap with actual work. You know, the type that impresses your boss or brings in revenue for your business.

Step two: Hire a virtual assistant. At Alliance Virtual we have a team of professional live receptionists who can take over your call handling duties. They’ll receive calls, take messages and pass them on – making your day easier, less cluttered and ultimately more productive. If you are looking to make a Raleigh North Carolina presents Executive Office Suites has all the amenities to assist you.

Step three: Identify your distractions

  • If you get tired easily, go to bed earlier. And remember to take little breaks during the day.
  • If you can’t stop looking in the fridge, eat a better breakfast, stock up on your five-a-day and consult a nutritionist.
  • If it’s the Internet or emails that are bugging you, work offline for a while.
  • If you’re feeling stressed, you could be taking on too much work, or overdoing the multi-tasking. Try to focus on specific tasks – and make sure you finish one thing at a sensible point before moving on to another.
  • If you’re bored of a specific task, work to a specific time then reward yourself by moving on to something else.

On the subject of rewards, this can be a valuable part of the working day. Habit-changing author Charles Duhigg says that instead of struggling with distractions, you can actually make them part of your working day. If for instance, you can’t stop going on Facebook or you feel constantly distracted by Twitter, set yourself a target and then reward yourself with 5 minutes of social media time. Accommodate that need and build it into your schedule.

After all, rewards provide motivation – and a little motivation can reap huge rewards for your business.

Find out more about virtual offices and office space that Executive Office Suites has to offer! In the meantime, what other tips can you recommend for beating distractions at work?


Image source: Executive Office Suites

Written by Joanna Republished with permission by Alliance

Virtual Offices Are The Freelancer’s Best Friend

We can talk all day long about how great using a virtual office can be (because it really is great), and how the general, catch-all “busy business person” will benefit from the flexibility and value they provide. While this is very much the case, perhaps it is time we shine the spotlight on ourselves for a minute – take a more personal look at just how beneficial the world of virtual officing can really be.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Take me for example. I am just the person to espouse the greatness of a virtual office because 1) I am a freelancer and can benefit greatly from the use of a professional environment every once in a while. 2) I have used them before and therefore can speak (or write, rather) from experience. Without droning on and on, let me tell you a little about myself.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I established myself as a freelance writer years ago both because I love to write and my husband’s career choice forced me to find work that I could pick up and take with me no matter where in the world we live. From Portland and New York City to Virginia Beach, Indianapolis and Lexington, KY, I have moved around an almost comical amount in the last several years of my life and I’m grateful for the existence of virtual and serviced office suites and meeting rooms. While I may not have the most geographically stable lifestyle, it is one that I love and I have the ease and flexibility of virtual offices to thank for some of that. I know I can take my business with me wherever I go, so I never have to worry when another move is looming on the horizon … like next summer, when we’ll move to Washington DC …
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            While no two freelancer’s journeys are ever the same, perhaps you can find a common bond or two between my story and your own? Ultimately, the point is that virtual offices, unlike traditional office space, have the unique and incredibly valuable power to mold and shift to your ever-changing, and expanding, needs. Whether it is a more impressive (i.e. legit) environment that your business needs or, as in my case, the ability to create this type of professional setting in multiple locations as your own geography changes, virtual offices provide the perfect solution, every time.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Image source: Executive Office Suites

Written by McDuffie Republished with permission by Alliance