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Hello Virtual Receptionists, Goodbye Distractions!

Hello Virtual Receptionists, Goodbye Distractions!


With the incredible advancements in mobile technology, it is entirely feasible to almost completely run your business from a device that is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Crazy, right? Today’s businesspeople and busy entrepreneurs utilize cell phones as their primary point of contact and sometimes, before we know it, we’ve wasted the better part of a workday fielding calls, “getting back in touch,” “circling back,” and “interfacing” with clients and colleagues via our phones. What happened to actually getting some work done? Wouldn’t it be nice to get more of that phone time back?

Executive Office Suites has your solution. Our live receptionist service takes the time-consuming tedium of answering calls out of your hands (literally) and places it in the very capable hands of our professionally trained reception team. This valuable service shifts the calls from your cell phone to our live receptionists who can screen and forward them to voicemail or to your cell phone, per your specifications. Saving your business time and productivity reaching new heights is what this will offer.

What’s more, you probably waste more time on your cell phone than you even realize. Every time you get a call and pick your phone up to respond, chances are you will stay on your phone to do any number of time consuming things (texting, checking social media accounts, opening various apps, reading the news, etc. etc.). Virtual receptionists will eliminate these distractions by cutting them off at the pass.


Image source: Scott Griessel

Written by McDuffie Republished with permission by Alliance